So when we heard that the Design Centre in London was putting an exhibition of Standly Kubrick's work and that the Transcriptors Reference turntable that was featured in 'A Clockwork Orange' was to be on display, we just had to set off to London and check it out! It's a great exhibition, we recommend it to everyone who has the slightest interest in film or design, it's a must see. The first thing you see when you walk in to the entrance of the building is one of only 3 Adam's Probe 16 sports cars ever made (or the Durango 95, as it was referred to in the film.) This car is a show stopper and a truly beautiful machine. ![]() The first room contains all manner of items that Kurick used, such as clapper boards, various original scrips, hand written directing notes and his personal Steenbeck 6 plate 35 MM editing station. Then the exhibition show cases each of his films, starting at his early works, such as Dr Stranglove, The Killing and Lolita, then on to Sparticus & Full Metal Jacket, which showed large projections of noted scenes. A Clockwork Orange has quite a large area dedicated to it, with many of the iconic works, including the large 'Rocking Cock' designed by Herman Makkink, the Milk bar manikins and of course the already mentioned Transcriptor's Hydraulic Reference turntable. The memorable scene when a pair of huge speakers and a Transcriptor based system in wheeled up to Alex's Hospital bed, is shown in an adjacent room. The 'Eyes wide shut' section features a number of the original masks used in the film, and also Tom Cruise's costume, which reminds you how small he is!
One oddly chilling exhibit, was the little girl's dresses and the apollo 11 jumper from 'the Shining' (Cue the conspiracy theorists!) also the model of the maze used in the film. 2001 was also very well represented, with many original models and props used in the film, including the Star Child, one of the gorilla suits, and of course, HAL Go along, you will love it!! Open until the 17th of september 2019, The Design Centre, London - Only £16 entry
Author - Steve Ansell" This page, is to share what we feel may be of some interest to our fellow hifi junkies, It will cover articles and restoration projects from both us and our friends, please feel free to contact us, if you would like to contribute to this page.." Categories
April 2024